Working in tandem
DEUTZ mentoring

Many things are easier to accomplish with two people, especially if you have an experienced colleague at your side. This is exactly what our new internal mentoring program is all about. Experienced DEUTZ managers act as mentors and share their work and career-related knowledge, networks, and expertise with young employees, the mentees. Regular tandem meetings allow mentors and mentees to compare notes in person, and they can shadow each other as they go about their day-to-day tasks at DEUTZ. 15 tandems started on a year-long program in August 2023. Initial feedback shows that the initiative has been well-received by those taking part, and there are plans to expand it to meet demand.
By the way, mentoring is not a new idea at DEUTZ, of course. Back in 2014, we joined forces with other notable companies in the region in Cologne’s cross-mentoring program for female management trainees.